Christmas Hours and Kerbside Recycling and Prepaid Rubbish Collections

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago by Jacqui and Niki @ Xtreme Waste    0 comments


Working towards Zero Waste in Raglan

Whaingaroa e whai ana

i te Para Kore

Xtreme Waste would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.  It’s a busy time of year. Please assist our hard working staff by carefully sorting your recyclables and remember to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost. Your co-operation helps our town achieve such low levels of waste to landfill.


Raglan Recycling Centre Hours and Kerbside Recycling and Prepaid Rubbish Bag Collection Days

Mon 24th Dec 8.30 – 4.30      Kerbside WEST SIDE

Tues 25th Dec CLOSED

Wed 26th Dec CLOSED

Thurs 27th Dec 8.30 – 4.30    Kerbside EAST SIDE

Fri 28th Dec 8.30 – 4.30

Sat 29th Dec 12.30 – 4.30

Sun 30th Dec 8.30 – 4.30

Mon 31st Dec 8.30 – 4.30       Kerbside WEST SIDE

Tues 1st Jan CLOSED

Wed 2nd Jan 8.30 – 4.30

Thurs 3rd Jan CLOSED         Kerbside EAST SIDE

Fri 4th Jan 8.30 – 4.30

For enquiries tel: (07) 825 6509 or 027 208 6742

Kaahu’s Nest (reuse shop): (07) 825 0017

Christmas Pledge

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago by Jacqui    0 comments

Kia ora e hoa ma,

I came across this 2 min You Tube clip called Treasure in My Trash. You might enjoy it, here's the link:

How To Reduce Your Coffee Cup Waste

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago by Lindsey @ Xtreme Waste    1 comment


Everyday tens of thousands of takeaway cups are thrown into the rubbish ending up in the landfill.


Having one takeaway coffee a day creates 10 kilos of waste a year BUT it doesn't have to. These days there are some great REUSABLE alternatives to the throw away cup and some coffee places will offer a discount if you use your own cup.

Have a look at some of the options below. 

Moving forward to zero waste


Based in Lower Hutt, Wellington, IdealCups are the first New Zealand-made barista standard reusable coffee cup. They look and feel a lot like your standard takeaway cup and fit nicely into cup holders in your car. They also come in lots of different colours. There is one size and it retails for $15.


Keep Cup, a Melbourne-based company, were the first to introduce a barista standard reusable coffee cup in New Zealand. They look cool, feel nice to hold and come in 4 different sizes. You can even design your own cup colours. Retail price is $15-21.



Another NZ-based company, CuppaCoffee, have recently had their cups popping up around the place. The cups have various designs and a slightly taller than the IdealCups so may have trouble fitting under some coffee machine heads. They are a bit like a thermos, with a thick insulation layer. The retail price for each cup is $12.95.



Sold in various shops in New Zealand, the Eco-cup is a single-walled (i.e. non-thermal, so it gets hot to touch) porcelain cup with silicone lid and sleeve. It is larger than all the other cups listed above and doesn’t fit under the coffee machine head, so good for those of you with a big thirst but a bit annoying for the barista. Retail price is about $20. 

Raglan Sunday Bus

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago by Jacqui @ Xtreme Waste    0 comments

Raglan pushes for Sunday bus
AARON LEAMAN, Waikato Times
Raglan businesses are backing a temporary Sunday bus shuttle to Hamilton, but say a permanent seven-day- a-week bus service is essential for the town's growth.

Raglan Scenic Tours will start operating the six-seater Raglan-Hamilton shuttle on Sunday with up to four Raglan businesses agreeing to act as guarantors for the service.

This week the Raglan Chamber of Commerce held an urgent meeting to discuss the lack of a Sunday service and the impact it was having on the township.

Waikato Regional Council stopped the service in June.

Chamber of Commerce chair Stephanie Philp said accommodation providers were especially hard hit by the loss of the Sunday bus run.

''People who were coming to Raglan on the weekend and leaving on a Sunday now can't leave, it's a bit like Hotel California, you can come but not leave,'' Ms Philp said.

''Some businesses have experienced a 20 per cent downturn since we lost the Sunday bus service. And if people don't come, they don't spend any money at the shops, so local businesses don't benefit.''

Ms Philp said Raglan businesses agreed a permanent seven-day-a-week service was essential for the township, describing it as ''a basic human right''.

The temporary shuttle service will leave twice each Sunday at 10am and 4pm from Raglan iSite.

Return trips will depart from Hamilton Transport Centre at 11.15am and 5.15pm.

''In this day and age it [Sunday service] would seem to be a pretty basic necessity, regardless of the numbers using the service.''

Raglan Community Board chairman Rodger Gallagher said the Raglan community had also suffered with the loss of the Sunday service.

Waikato Regional Council run the Waikato's buses.

''Many people in Raglan have children boarding in Hamilton and Auckland and who previously came home on a Friday and left Sunday afternoon. The lack of a Sunday service has stopped that. Also young teenagers who can't drive would catch the bus into Hamilton to visit the movies, so they've been caught out.''

Regional Council policy and transport group manager Vaughan Payne said the council's priority was to ensure adequate peak services for commuters, especially children travelling to and from school.

In May, the council introduced a Whatawhata service on school days to alleviate overcrowding on the Raglan-Hamilton service.

''With no extra funding available, we had to make a number of changes including the withdrawal of the Sunday service,'' Mr Payne said.

''It wasn't an easy decision to make, but it was going to impact the fewest number of people. Our figures for 2011/12 show we had just under 65,000 passenger trips on the Raglan service, with only 5000 (eight percent) travelling on the weekends, the majority on Saturday.''

Mr Payne said although not everyone was happy with the council's decision, money had to be spent where there was greatest demand ''and that is clearly on the peak services.''

Meanwhile, the council will run a ''special summer'' Hamilton-Raglan Sunday service from December 23 to February 3.

Additional services are also planned for the New Year holidays and Anniversary Weekend.

Bookings for Raglan Scenic Tours' Sunday service can be made via the Raglan iSite or direct to Raglan Scenic Tours (after hours). Tickets cost $10 per person.

Lever Arch Files - in need of a good home

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago by Lindsey @ Xtreme Waste    0 comments

We have a large number of unused Lever Arch Files here at the Raglan Recycling and Transfer Station.

In fact they look brand new. 

They are available for free or a donation if you would like.

So if you need some give us a call

07 825 6509  - or come on up and help your self

Our opening hours are

Mon, Wed, Fri and Sun 8:30-4:30pm and Sat 12:30-4.30pm

Our aim is to reduce waste and what better way then to REUSE

Raglan Labour day Rubbish and Recycling Information

Posted 12 years, 4 months ago by Lindsey Turner    0 comments

There will be NO kerbside and recycling collections on Labour Day Monday October 22nd. Collections will occur one day late.

Monday's collection will be on Tuesday

Tuesday's collection will be on Wednesday. 

The Raglan Recycling and Transfer Station will be open from 12.30-4.30pm

For more information call 07 825 6509


Posted 12 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

San Francisco Now Reuses 80% of its Waste

Posted 12 years, 4 months ago by Jacqui @ Xtreme Waste    0 comments

America's Greenest City: San Francisco Now Reuses 80 Percent Of Its Waste

San Francisco has reached a crucial milestone in its quest to become the greenest city in America. Late last week, the city announced that it successfully diverted 80 percent of its waste away from landfills and into compost or recycling programs in 2011--the highest level achieved by any major city in the country.

This accomplishment is a significant step on the path to the city's ultimate goal of diverting 100 percent of its waste by the year 2020.

"San Francisco is demonstrating once again that zero waste is an achievable and environmentally responsible goal," said Board of Supervisors President David Chiu in a statement. "I thank [San Francisco trash collector] Recology and the Department of Environment staff who are reaching out and educating our residents and businesses to make sure they continue to recycle and compost our way to zero waste."

"Recycling and composting is not only good for our environment, it is also good for our economy," added Mayor Ed Lee. "Recycling alone creates 10 times more jobs than simply sending refuse to the landfill."

Despite this impressive diversion rate, San Francisco still dumps 444,000 tons of waste into the Altamont Landfill in Livermore, which is expected to reach its maximum capacity by 2015. The city estimates about half of that material could be recycled or composted.

San Francisco's high diversion rate has proven a model for other cities looking to emulate its success. A citizens' group in Meaford, Ontario is urging its elected leaders to follow San Francisco's lead in implementing strategies to increase recycling. "There are multiple programs that San Francisco has implemented which have aided them in reaching that rate, many of them could be easily implemented in our municipality," activist Jenean Lush told the Meaford Independent. "One of the easiest things that would help to increase our diversion rate is to increase the number of items that can be recycled in our blue bins."

Another factor in the city's high diversion rate was the passage of a 2009 ordinance mandating city-wide composting at all businesses and residences. San Francisco was the first city in the country to pass such a sweeping measure and it played a large part in getting the city's greenhouse gas emission levels significantly below where they were two decades ago.

Last November, San Francisco voters were given the option to eliminate the monopoly Recology has held on virtually all aspects of the city's waste stream for the better part of a century and open up the system to competition. The measure ultimately fell well short of passage, largely due a campaign that charged switching over competitive bidding, which is used by every other municipality in the Bay Area, would put the city's ambitious zero waste goal in jeopardy.

San Francisco recently reached another eco-conscious milestone. On October 1st, the city successfully expanded its first-in-the-nation 2007 ban on non-compostable plastic bags to include almost all retailers in the city.



