FREE Green Waste Drop Off - August

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago by Xtreme Waste    0 comments

*Free greenwaste drop off for the month of August at the

Raglan Recycling and Transfer Station,

186 Te Hutewai Road, Raglan 

Open Mon, Weds, Fri,  Sun 8.30 - 4.30 and Sat 12.30 - 4.30

* Promotion excludes noxious weeds.

Please make sure your green waste does not have any noxious weeds in it as we don't want them entering our green waste system.  Among the worst offenders are species such as Climbing Doc, Kikuyu Grass, Bamboo roots, Wild Ginger, Oxalis and Wandering Willy.

If you are not sure what things are, give us a call for advice 07 825 6509



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