Unpackit Packaging Winners: Bin Inn and Foodstuffs

Posted 12 years, 3 months ago by Jacqui, Xtreme Waste    0 comments

Unpackit Packaging Awards 2012

WINNER - The Best - Bin Inn

This New Zealand co-operative has 33 stores. Their self selection bin system encourages shoppers to reuse their own containers. Stores sell recyclable containers if customers forget to bring their own. The refill system minimises packaging waste and has less impact on the environment, while customers “pay for the product, not the packaging”.


WINNER - The Worst - Foodstuffs

This year’s winner is Foodstuffs, for selling fruit and vegetables on polystyrene meat-trays wrapped in plastic. Produce sold this way at Four Square and New World stores includes parsnips, carrots, courgettes, grapes, and avocados, none of which need to be wrapped. Polystyrene meat-trays are not recycled in most New Zealand towns.

For more information on packaging check out these informative websites: www.smartpackaging.org.nz and www.unpackit.org.nz

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